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8th of July 2023

Trees Stimulate Biodiversity

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations states that “Biodiversity for food and agriculture is indispensable to food security and sustainable development”, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognizes the “intrinsic value of biodiversity, irrespective of human needs and interests”. These international organizations, along with many other reputable groups and publications, place […]

19th of May 2023

400,000 Mangroves to Start

Mangroves are some of the most important trees in the world, and we’re thrilled to announce a new project that will result in billions of them being replanted in the coming years. Working with our Tanzania-based tree-planting partner, The Friends of Usambara Society (FUS), ForestPlanet intends to replant 8 billion mangrove trees as part of […]

15th of December 2022

2022: A Year of Events that Planted Trees

As the year winds down, we want to give a collective shout-out to all the event organizers and promoters who worked with us in 2022 to help make their activities more sustainable.  The “one ticket one tree” model is starting to take off since it’s a simple, affordable, and easily communicated way for organizations to […]

15th of September 2022

ForestPlanet Visits Irente Planting Site #3 in Tanzania: Forest Restoration

As previously reported here, the Irente planting site in the Usambara Mountains region of northern Tanzania spreads across 2,200 hectares.  There are one million trees here, but there is a real need to get another two million trees planted in this area as soon as we can do so. In late 2021, ForestPlanet helped get […]

15th of September 2022

The Mlesa Spring: ForestPlanet Visits Irente Planting Site #2 in Tanzania

As previously reported here, the Irente planting site in the Usambara Mountains region of northern Tanzania spreads across 2,200 hectares.  There are one million trees here, but there is a real need to get another two million trees planted in this area as soon as we can do so. In late 2021, ForestPlanet helped get […]

12th of September 2022

On Demand Film Screenings: From Seed to Seed, and Farming the Sky – Each Registration Plants 50 Trees!

Please join us for an On-Demand screening of two award-winning documentary films: What: “From Seed to Seed”, an award-winning documentary film by Katharina Stieffenhofer, and “Farming the Sky” Where: EVERYWHERE, including an Internet connected computer near you When: Registrants may stream these films at any time starting Friday November 25th through Friday December 2nd at […]

4th of September 2022

ForestPlanet Visits Irente Planting Site #1 in Tanzania

As previously reported here, the Irente planting site in the Usambara Mountains region of northern Tanzania spreads across 2,200 hectares (that’s the size of 5,400 football fields!).  This area has about 1 million trees, but there is a real need to get another 2 million trees planted here in the near future. Late in 2021, […]

21st of July 2022

In the News: Planting Trees

A recent and well-researched New York Times article – Can Planting a Trillion New Trees Save the World? – focused on a topic near and dear to us: planting trees.  It was good to see friends of our organization, including Dr. Stephen Fitch of Eden Reforestation Projects, recognized for their important work. Author Zach St. […]

8th of April 2022

Trees Help Create the Harvest

Less than two years ago the Tanzanian hillside pictured above was a semi-barren mess. As documented here and here, beginning in late 2020, ForestPlanet helped get 80,000 trees planted in the area, now named the Kwezizi planting site. Our initial goal was to revitalize the soils to build back nutrients and retain moisture during the short […]

3rd of March 2022

Paradise Restored

We are delighted to share some good news: our efforts in Tanzania are showing real progress. Just two years ago, ForestPlanet’s partners in the Kwezizi region of Tanzania planted 80,000 trees, covering an area of 40 hectares. (You can learn more about the project here.) This is how things looked on the ground at this […]